
Ramaze can be installed by using Rubygems, direct download or by using Git. Installing Ramaze via Rubygems only needs a single command:

$ gem install ramaze

Optionally you can specify -v to install a specific version:

$ gem install ramaze -v 2011.07.25


If you're interested in hacking on Ramaze or you just want to browse the source you can use Git to install a local copy of Ramaze. For this you'll need to have Git installed (refer to your package manager for details on installing Git). When installed you can clone the Ramaze repository with the following commnad:

$ git clone git://

Once the cloning process has completed you should cd into the directory to install all required gems and optionally set up an RVM environment in case you're using RVM:

$ cd ramaze
$ bundle install

Once installed you can build a gem manually or just require the local installation manually:

require '/path/to/ramaze/lib/ramaze'

Building a gem can be done using the command rake gem:build, if you want to also install the gem after it's built you should run rake gem:install instead.

Another way of loading Ramaze is to add it to your $RUBYLIB variable. It's best if you put this in your .bashrc file so that you don't have to run the command manually every time you open up a new terminal:

export RUBYLIB="/path/to/ramaze/lib"

This approach allows you to load Ramaze like you'd normally would instead of having to specify the full path.

Direct Download

In case you don't have Git installed but still want to have a local copy you can download a tarball from Github. If you want to download the latest copy you can go to the Downloads page, if you want to download a specific tag instead you should navigate to the Tags page.

Once downloaded and extracted the setup process is the same as when installing Ramaze via Git.